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Mutiny Playmaker: Oh Behave! [Chapter 7]

Molly Bruckman
Posted by Molly Bruckman|Published on June 06, 2023
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See how it works

Before getting started: The stuff covered in this chapter builds on what you built in previous chapters (we recommend starting there if you haven't done it already).

🕵️ Your Mission

  • Create behavioral audiences that identify visitor funnel stage

  • Launch personalized page content and CTAs by stage

  • Launch a component promoting stage-specific assets

💡 What you’ll learn

✅ How to identify visitor funnel stages

✅ How to personalize your website by stage

🎒 What you’ll need

✅ Assets tailored to funnel stage

✅ A splash of creativity for copywriting

✅ Optional: A lifecycle marketing buddy who can help you understand the customer journey and needs

Why this segment?

As your visitors move through their evaluation process, their needs fundamentally change. Someone visiting your site for the first time needs to understand what problem you are solving and how you solve it. If you successfully capture their interest, they progress to needing to choose the best way to solve the problem.

B2B buying stages graphic

To most effectively convert your visitors into customers, you need to tailor your messaging and resources to the buyer’s changing needs. For example, at the awareness stage, you might focus on introducing your product or service and generating interest, while at the decision stage, you might focus on helping the potential customer make a purchase.

Let’s get to it!

Build your behavioral audience

First, let’s get your “Buying Stage” behavioral audiences set up. Check out this step-by-step article to help set up the audiences correctly. We recommend configuring all audiences at once to map your site pages to audiences most accurately.

In general, you can consider pages like pricing, plan details, sign up forms, product pages and bottom of funnel content as higher intent signals. Another great way to get a sense for pages correlated with buying stage is to use the data explorer to find your highest converting pages. Select the “Visited URL” attribute and sort the table by CVR to see the pages most and least associated with conversions.

Create your segments

Once you’ve created your audiences, let’s put them to action! You can select these new audiences as attributes in the Segment Creator. Don’t be alarmed by small sample sizes - since you just defined these audiences they are now starting to tag visitors into stages and collect data. The audience size will grow over time and traffic estimates should become stable in the next month.

🔥 Hot tip: More data sources, more coverage

As you are building your segment, consider augmenting your behavioral audience with additional attributes. For example, maybe you have ad groups targeting buyer stage and you can add UTM parameters. Maybe you have CRM stages you can add to the definition, as well. Remember to use “or” logic between the conditions to maximize your reach!

Launch experiences

We’ve got 2 types of experiences for you to launch on 2 segments — a classic 2x2. Launch personalized page content and a component (side pop or banner) for 2 different funnel stage segments.

Top of Funnel

Bottom of Funnel

Your goal

Educate the visitor on the problem you solve. Make it feel really visceral and worthy of solving.

Convince the educated visitor that you have the best solution to the problem.

What type of page content to launch

Page messaging should be focused on the problem and why it is big and painful. Be clear about what it is you do. Experiment with softer CTAs like “Learn More” that drive into product pages.

Page messaging should focus on your solution. Experiment with more emotional messaging, ROI focused messaging, comparing your solution to alternatives. Try higher commitment CTAs, like “Buy Now” or “Schedule a Strategy Session” to get the visitor into a sales conversation.

What type of component to launch

Promote top of funnel assets like webinars and blog posts focused on the problem you solve.

Promote bottom of funnel assets, like ROI calculators, buyers guides, case studies.

🔥 Hot tip: Talk to your sales and lifecycle marketing teams

Chat with your sales team to understand how their conversations change as the buyer progresses through the funnel. Talk to your lifecycle marketing teams to learn how nurture programs change and what assets resonate the most at various stages.

Need more inspiration?

Check out stage of funnel playbooks from other ground breakers.

See how Thomas from Brex personalizes CTAs by buying stage.

This article has 15+ tactics you can try to personalize by stage of funnel.

What’s next?

We will let these suckers collect some data and check back in on how they are doing in the next few weeks. In the meantime, let’s keep building.

Molly Bruckman

Molly Bruckman

Molly Bruckman is Head of Growth Marketing. She loves helping Mutiny customers achieve their wildest career ambitions by delivering conversions and revenue to their teams.

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