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How Pendo Gives Target Accounts Custom CTAs

Author - Alexa Baltazar
Alexa BaltazarGrowth Marketing Manager
Company - Pendo
Identify customer personas when they visit the website
Use exit intent popups to get a second chance
Sift out non-work emails on demo signups
Continue to optimize segmented messaging
THE IMPACTNext playbook


  • Why your sales-led conversion path may be underperforming
  • How to re-route website visitors to capture more conversions


  • A website personalization platform that lets you easily test different messaging and calls to action
  • A request a demo CTA
  • A trial signup CTA
Article Headline Icon - THE PROBLEM


A huge amount of traffic driven to your site is going to leave without taking a conversion action. Not ideal, right? As marketers, we've become accustomed to this scenario, shrugging it off as a normal part of business, attributing it to the fact that not everyone is our ideal customer.

But what if even your highly qualified traffic is bouncing from your site? Now that’s a serious problem.

Pendo’s website has two different entry points for users to begin their journey using the product: 

  • A sign-up page for smaller potential buyers that takes them to a product-led experience

  • A demo page for upmarket (enterprise) leads that takes them to a sales-led experience

Alexa Baltazar, Growth Marketer at Pendo, found their upmarket, sales-driven path was getting a lot of qualified traffic but wasn’t translating into pipeline. When she dug into the numbers, she saw that the sales-led motion had a significantly lower conversion rate and a very high bounce rate. 

Rather than engaging with the demo request call-to-action (CTA), high-value prospective customers would simply leave the site without converting at all. This meant that Pendo was putting a ton of effort and resources into driving qualified traffic, but weren’t able to convert them into active deals.

Article Headline Icon - THE HYPOTHESIS


Alexa suspected that the people exiting were:  

  • Not interested in talking to sales  

  • Not ready for a demo

  • The demo format doesn’t work well for them  

“These are people who could potentially be customers of Pendo. But the way we are engaging with them on our website doesn't align with how they want to be engaged,” says Alexa.  

Alexa’s growth hypothesis was that if she re-routed visitors who didn’t convert on the demo CTA to their self-service options, they could recover otherwise lost leads.

Article Headline Icon - THE SOLUTION


Identify customer personas when they visit the website

Alexa used Mutiny's 6sense integration to identify users based on their industry and company size. When a visitor is identified, Pendo then sends the visitor down a conversion path that’s relevant to their persona. They then used Mutiny using dynamic content swaps, redirects, and on-page elements like banners and sidepops to surface relevant content. 

Blog image | Pendo experiences

When a website visitor is ready to convert, Pendo then customizes the signup page and CTA a visitor sees. 

Blog Image | Pendo 6sense redirect

Larger potential customers receive a CTA to “Get A Free Demo”. These upmarket prospects typically have more complex needs and more hurdles to overcome in the sales process, so they want to route these requests to a Pendo sales rep to keep the deal moving. 

Smaller potential teams get a CTA to “Create Free Account”. Pendo has also created a product-led growth motion where the product prompts the user to eventually upgrade their account to a paid tier after demonstrating its value.

Use exit intent popups to get a second chance

When site visitors are on Pendo’s “talk to sales” page and about to leave, Alexa now has an exit intent pop-up message that prompts visitors to instead try out Pendo for free. 

“I think exit intent popups that re-route to a lighter CTA is one of the easiest ways to get a quick conversion win within Mutiny.”

Blog image | Pendo exit intent

Sift out non-work emails on demo signups

To ensure that all the leads that the website is passing on to sales are legit, Pendo prevents site visitors from submitting a fake or personal email address. If a visitor doesn’t want to leave their work email address, they’re prompted to try Pendo for free and are re-routed to the PLG experience – all using 6sense and Mutiny.

Blog Image | Pendo sales re-route

Continue to optimize segmented messaging

Because Alexa has her audiences segmented, she can continue to ideate and A/B test messaging on these page elements. And because only relevant visitors are seeing those elements, she can experiment with using:

  • Industry specific language

  • Surfacing links and content most relevent to that persona

  • Adjusting the messaging based on behavior, like number of visits, specific pages visited, or based on their tech stack.


Pendo’s recovery efforts paid off. 

After testing this experience on 9,000 visitors, Alexa saw a 2% click-through rate on the exit intent component, generating 180 extra chances to convert a visitor. Not bad, considering they were going to leave the site anyways!

But the real win came from redirecting these visitors to a self-serve signup page.

22% of these converted into signups, generating 40 new Pendo trials. That’s 40 extra people who are now using Pendo without spending an extra dollar on ads to get them to the site. 

Now that's what we call efficient growth!

Alexa says, “As marketers, we typically have to do more with less. And by putting together a play like this, we were truly able to squeeze as much demand as possible out of our digital experience.”

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