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How Mutiny Scaled Personalized Customer Engagement 50x with AI

Author - June Catro
June CatroSr. Growth Strategist
Company - Mutiny
Identify Target Accounts
Automate Data Extraction
Create Personalized Microsites
Engage and Nurture
Iterate and Optimize
1:1 ABM personalization made easy

See how ABM teams use Mutiny to engage target accounts at scale.

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  • How to create personalized landing pages for customer accounts at scale
  • Leveraging AI tools to automate content personalization
  • Strategies for driving higher engagement rates through personalized experiences


  • Mutiny ABM personalization platform
  • Connection to your CRM
  • Existing customer data and customer success metrics


June Castro and Michael Vitak, Growth Strategists at Mutiny, are tasked with working alongside Mutiny customers to help get the most value possible from the platform.

Part of this role involves creating quarterly business reviews (QBRs) that they present to the customer to show the bottomline value that the user is generating using Mutiny.

The traditional approach of manually creating customized content for each account was time-consuming and inefficient, making it difficult to scale personalized engagement efforts.

"We had a large book of business, but we were struggling to provide a tailored experience for each customer account," said June. "Our team was spending hours researching and creating personalized content, which limited the number of accounts we could effectively reach."


To address this issue, June and Michael proposed creating personalized landing pages at scale using Mutiny.

The hypothesis was that by automating the personalization process, the team could reduce the time spent on creating customized content while maintaining or improving customer engagement and renewal rates.

Article Headline Icon - THE SOLUTION


Identify Target Accounts

June and Michael started by targeting their book of business, focusing on growth segment accounts that could benefit from personalized attention and engagement.

In this example they use their list of customers they're responsible for. But if you were on the Sales or Marketing team, you can apply the same principle by identifying your target account list.

Automate Data Extraction

To streamline the personalization process, the team leveraged existing data sources that they could use to personalize the report with information contextual to the account.

They pulled calls from Gong and other data sources, and with the help of AI, they automatically extracted key business goals, metrics, and milestones from customer data, formatting the information for easy integration into Mutiny.

Create Personalized Microsites

Using Mutiny, June's team created personalized landing pages for each target account.

Blog Image | Customer value report microsite

These landing pages included:

  • Key metrics and milestones: Showcasing the value received through Mutiny's platform.

    Blog Image | Customer value report results playbook

  • Embedded custom videos: Providing a personalized touch with recorded walkthroughs or success stories.

    Blog Image | Customer value report with custom video

  • Dynamic variables: Automatically populating account-specific data and messaging.

  • Direct link to account manager: The customer can directly book a time to meet with their account manager. This is especially valuable when there are new stakeholders who have not yet built a relationship with the team.

    Blog Image | Screenshot of customer value report in mutiny playbook

Engage and Nurture

The personalized microsites were shared with existing customers as part of asynchronous QBRs. These customer touchpoints are crucial for nurturing and expanding relationships with growth segment accounts.

Because the report lives as a website, the link to the page is easy to embed and send using whatever channel is most accessible for the customer.

“Some customers prefer to communicate over email, while others are less formal and prefer a simple Slack or direct message.”

Iterate and Optimize

Mutiny microsites come built-in with engagement analytics, allowing the team to monitor to see if the page is being seen by the right people. 

GIF02 contact-level-ID

This also gives the customer success team signals to understand whether an account is heavily engaged, or need some gentle reminders. This goes a long way to help account managers suss out which accounts need more attention when renewals loom on the horizon.


The implementation of personalized landing pages at scale using Mutiny's AI capabilities yielded significant results for the customer success team:

  • Time savings: The time required to create personalized content was reduced from four hours to just 15 minutes per account.

  • Increased conversion rates: The personalized experiences drove a 50% conversion rate for booking meetings with new or existing users.

  • Improved customer engagement: Customers responded positively to the personalized attention, leading to higher satisfaction and retention rates.

"The ability to deliver personalized experiences at scale has been a game-changer for our customer engagement efforts," said June. "We're now able to provide tailored attention to a larger number of accounts while maintaining a high level of efficiency and effectiveness."