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How To Revive Enterprise Deals Using Behavioral Insights

Author - Chase Masciorini
Chase MascioriniSales at Mutiny
Company - Mutiny
Aligning with the BDR Team
Tracking Account Engagement
Personalizing Outreach Campaigns
Re-Engaging at the Right Moments
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  • How to stay hyper-focused on your most valuable accounts
  • Identifying prime re-engagement opportunities with behavioral insights
  • Crafting personalized outreach strategies based on real account activity


  • An ABM personalization platform like Mutiny
  • Close alignment between sales and marketing teams
  • Willingness to adopt an account-centric sales approach
Article Headline Icon - THE PROBLEM


Chase Masciorini was newly promoted to Enterprise Account Executive at Mutiny. His new role meant managing a smaller subset of around 100-150 high-revenue potential accounts.

Chase faced the challenge of transitioning from a high-velocity growth team to a more focused, strategic enterprise sales motion. 

"I went from having thousands of accounts to a limited set of high-value targets," Chase explained. "It was crucial to stay hyper-focused and not let any key opportunities slip through the cracks."

Article Headline Icon - THE HYPOTHESIS


Chase hypothesized that by closely monitoring account activities using Mutiny's sales extension, he could identify the ideal times to re-engage prospects.

This strategic outreach approach would:

  • Help him close deals faster by striking when the iron was hot

  • Increase average contract values through tailored, relevant messaging

  • Allow him to prioritize high-fit, high-intent accounts over random outreach

Article Headline Icon - THE SOLUTION


Aligning with the BDR Team

Chase started by setting up weekly sync meetings with his Business Development Representative team.

In these sessions, they aligned on which accounts to prioritize based on factors like revenue potential, competitor presence, and recent activities.

Tracking Account Engagement

Using Mutiny's web extension, he would get notifications of when someone from his key accounts would interact with Mutiny’s website or marketing assets.

Mutiny Web Extension

The web extension shows when a contact from that account visited the website, which pages they viewed, and for how long, indicating their potential needs.

Personalizing Outreach Campaigns

Armed with these insights into account interests and journeys, Chase crafted hyper-personalized outreach campaigns. He sent tailored emails referencing the specific content or product details each prospect had engaged with recently.

"There's nothing that will make a prospect tune out faster than a generic sales pitch," said Chase. "Mutiny helped me make every interaction super relevant."

Re-Engaging at the Right Moments

Perhaps most crucially, Chase used Mutiny to identify prime re-engagement opportunities with accounts he had previously struggled to connect with.

By monitoring their digital behavior, he could spot increased interest signals and re-initiate conversations from a position of relevance.


Chase's strategic account-based approach led to impressive results across multiple fronts.

Most notably, he successfully re-engaged with a previously lost $250,000 opportunity, which is now in the final security and legal process stages. This resurrection of a seemingly dead lead showcases the power of timely, informed outreach.

In another win, Chase's monitoring of the web extension paid off when he identified a former user who had moved to a new company. This observation led to securing a demo and opened the door to a potential new six-figure deal, highlighting the value of maintaining awareness of personnel changes within target accounts.

Chase has also see improvements in his overall sales performance. His sales cycles decreased noticeably, while the likelihood of closing high-value contracts increased. This dual benefit of speed and quality underscores the effectiveness of his personalized, data-driven approach.

"Mutiny is like having x-ray vision into my target accounts," Chase says. "It allows me to be hyper-surgical in prioritizing my efforts for maximum impact." This powerful analogy encapsulates the transformative effect of combining strategic account management with advanced engagement tracking analytics.

Mutiny's account intelligence capabilities allowed him to gain deep insights into account behavior and tailor his outreach accordingly.